Successful Plastic Surgery and Medi-Spa Marketing Needs Solid Referral Programs
Now more than ever, not only are proper marketing strategies critical to a practice’s success, but there is also a unique window of opportunity, as many plastic surgeons will reduce their marketing efforts to “weather the storm,” thereby creating a clearer and less cluttered competitive landscape for those insightful enough to take advantage of today’s business climate.
One of the best ways to capture new patients is through referral programs, both targeted toward existing patients and to other healthcare professionals. Yet in over 21 years of healthcare marketing experience, we have seen few practices that have an on-going, effective and workable referral program in place.
A successful referral program depends on many key factors, including the development of the proper support materials, identifying a key individual to “take ownership” of the program, and staff training and involvement.
We have seen the practice representation element of referral programs yield high dividends. This strategy involves a knowledgeable individual making regular visits to potential referring practices and businesses, engaging in meaningful dialogue, and gaining the trust of the gatekeeper that controls the referrals.
We recently implemented a program for a cardiologist in a major metropolitan area, and within a few days, we had his telephone ringing with appointments generating from our newly developed professional referral sources.
Patient-to-Patient referral programs are also widely misunderstood, and not well utilized by most practices. We have found that with a sound, well-developed, and strategically correct referral plan in place, practice volume and revenues can rise by as much as 25% within a very short time.
Think about it: Many practices offer multiple services… but how many of your patients and potential referring sources really know about all of the services you provide, such as:
* Abdominoplasty
* Liposuction/Liposculpture
* Buttock Augmentation
* Arm Tuck
* Labiaplasty and Vaginal Rejuvenation
* Breast Augmentation
* Breast Reduction
* Breast Lift
* Implant Revision
* Face Lift
* Eyelid Surgery
* Otoplasty
* Thread Lift
* Fillers and Botox
* Lip Augmentation
* Laser Skin Treatments
* Hair Removal
* Spa Services
* And more*
Of course, referral programs should just be a portion of a well-designed marketing program that will grow your practice profits through evidence-based and proven strategies.
If you would like more information on how to build any type of healthcare practice, increase patient volume, and rapidly grow revenues, feel free to contact us at: or visit us online at
OB/GYN Marketing Strategies
Many OB/GYNs are facing the same challenges, which include lower reimbursement rates, increased competition, and the feeling like the practice is running you - instead of the other way around.
We know that an effective and strategic marketing solution can eliminate these obstacles to personal fulfillment, and open the door to new opportunities, growth and satisfaction.
The market is shifting. Some doctors are getting our of obstetrics entirely and focusing just on gynecology
Others are exploring new revenue streams such as cosmetic gynecology. Some are combining disciplines and offering internal medicine, dermatology and OB/GYN under one roof.
And male OB/GYNs are in need of special marketing that addresses the growing trend towards female-to-female doctor-patient relationships.
The bottom line is this: What you knew about the business of being an OB/GYN has changed and continues to evolve. If you want your practice to thrive and grow in the coming years, contact us for a free consultation. You can ask all the questions you want, and we may even give you a few more that you hadn't yet thought about.
The best way to reach us is through our website,
Or send us an email by clicking here.
Dermatology Marketing
We have seen so many good dermatologists go down the same road to ruins... it is called "Playing the Commodity Game" and it is a good way to harm your business, your reputation, and your referrals.
How often do we see coupons offering a special lower price on common services, such as Botox? It seems every dermatologist and Medi-Spa is in a race to see who can lower their prices faster!
But here are some basic principals that should guide you, should you want to play this game;
- Price shoppers are not loyal. They will go to your competitor when their prices are better than yours.
- You need to give your patients and potential patients a reason to choose you, other than price. Are you the best in your area? Do you have some special training or expertise? Do you have a new piece of equipment that is the latest and greatest? Even if your competitors may have the same qualifications and services, if they are not promoting them, then the field is open for you to claim those "points of distinction."
If you would like more information on our marketing strategies and proven methods of success for dermatologists, plastic surgeons, medi-spas, or any medical and healthcare specialty, please feel free to contact us. It never costs a cent to talk to us, and the advice is priceless.
Please visit our website at:
Internal Medicine Marketing
But do you know how to increase the number and quality of patients that are referred to you?
Are you reaching out to your community to become known as the premier provider in your area?
Do you have an Internet strategy that drives new appointments?
Does your office staff know how to properly cross-promote your services and ask for referrals?
Do you have a marketing plan?
If the answer to any of these is "no," then contact us right now for a free consultation. We can provide you with cost-effective products, tools, strategies and tactics that will increase your revenues, give you more of the types of patients you find most satisfying, and enhance your quality of life.
Click HERE for a Free Consultation.
Free Practice Assessment
We have answers.
With over 20-years of award winning and results-generating experience, we have the insight to quickly diagnose your marketing condition and prescribe the appropriate solutions that will get your practice to the levels that you want.
While our initial assessment is free, the advice is priceless... and these days, who couldn't use a little free advice?
Simply click here for our confidential form, and you'll receive our best advice.
Free Practice Assessment, Click Here.
Healthcare, Physician and Medical Infomercials
Well the fact is, informercials are an acceptable and effective method to attract new patients or customers, and generate an immediate inquiry. And their long-form (28 minutes), allows for the viewer to become well-educated about your products or services... thus leading to a response (appointment, request for more information, purchase, etc).
However, if you are even considering getting into the infomercial world, please do yourself a favor and contact us. We have more experience in healthcare infomercials than just about anyone... and there are many "Healthcare" marketing companies jumping on the bandwagon and claiming to know how to produce an infomercial, when the fact is, they have created few to none.
We know how to produce infomercials that are relatively inexpensive, provide extraordinary return on investment, and can, if structured properly, provide for a "co-op" network of like-providers, all sharing the costs and leads generated.
So if you have any questions about how you can advertise your practice, service, or products on television with an infomercial (also called "long-form advertising"), call us.
Not only are we the leaders, but we are nice guys, too... and it never costs a cent to talk to us.
Contact us for details and a free assessment.
For more information, go to:
Or send us an email by clicking here.
Plastic Surgeon Marketing Strategies for Success
You either have tried marketing and are unsatisfied with the results, or your response rate is dwindling from what once seemed to work, or increased competition and the falling economy has taken its toll on your business...
Or, you have never tried marketing... you've relied on referrals and your reputation to grow your business, but now want to know if there is a quicker and easier path to success.
And these days more than ever, there are short-sighted strategies that are positioning respected plastic surgeons like a commodity, instead of the clear and preferred choice in the community.
If you would like more information on growing your plastic surgery practice, you in in the right place.
We have the insight, tools and methods that can grow your business, no matter what your present size, condition or competition.
If that sounds like something you'd like to discuss further, contact us.
We're always happy to talk.
For more information, or to contact us, please visit our website at:
Cardiology Marketing Success
We have worked with some of the nation's leading cardiac medical device manufacturers, individual cardiologists, cardiology medical groups, cardiac-care clinics throughout the country, and the world's largest chain of cardiac therapy centers. We have consulted for some of the most respected cardiologists and the heads of cardiology at some of the nation's leading universities.
Our successful marketing programs have included patient education and public relations programs, patient acquisition campaigns, doctor referral programs, television commercials, radio commercials, infomercials, brochures, technical sheets, lead generation systems, telemarketing, direct mail, speaking engagements, and much more.
Here's the bottom line: If you are involved with cardiology and want to increase your revenues, we have the answers. Call us with your questions... we'll probably suggest a few more that you

Feel free to visit our website for more information: